Better learning
Custom virtual resource library to enhance education - anytime, any place.
Custom virtual resource library to enhance education - anytime, any place.
About InfoKat
With the expansion of the Internet, resources are available like never before. But when it comes to research, having the correct - and best - information is critical. Not everything you read online is credible.
Infokat is primarily engaged in building and developing library websites for school libraries. This service-based business gives online access to both existing and new resources that support the teaching and learning experience.
Our mission is to partner with schools to provide a platform of resources that supports teaching and learning. We offer a place for schools to structure credible online resources that meet the challenges of teaching in a time of changing technologies. Infokat gives equal access to information, encourages success in academics, and inspires a love of learning.
Kathleen Hutchison, Founder of Infokat
The library as we know it is changing. We’ve gone from learning about the Dewey Decimal System to teaching our students how to independently research from a personal computer. While the way we research has changed, the importance of good information skills has become critical for students to learn how to appropriately find and document resources. That’s where we come in.
We provide a library webpage that gives access to the school library catalog, school-subscribed databases and e-book collections, as well as a select collection of web resources for all school levels. Our database includes relevant topics with links on plagiarism, the research process, citation styles, copyright, teaching resources, test preparation, and teacher-requested assignment links.
Our service includes both design and development along with hosting of an online presence of resources. We are a subscription-based business, and all information provided in the library webpage will be customized for the organization.
We work to provide reliable resources to boost academic success. Our content shows accreditation entities that there is an online support presence for your academic program, gives 24/7 access to valuable resources, provides professional development opportunities for teachers and offers a new opportunity for schools to connect with parents.
All content selection and collaboration is done by professional, experienced librarians and teachers. Hosting is part of our service to ensure that all web pages and links are kept current. This meets the changing needs of the individual school by staying relevant.